Green Coffee Conveyors Save Labor and Prevent Injuries.
Pneumatic green coffee conveyors are often called lifts, coffee loaders or hopper loaders. They lift the coffee from floor level to the roaster hopper eliminating manually bucketing beans. They can integrate with a scale hopper to include the weigh process for single origin and blended roast. Using a Pneumatic coffee conveyor can eliminate the injuries and stress caused when bucketing beans.
No Spilling Beans and Dust All Over the Roastery.
Vacuum pneumatic conveyors can separate the dust from the green coffee. They never blow dust into the roastery which is common with old style pressure loaders. They also eliminate spilling beans on to the roaster and into the cooler which can happen when bucketing beans.
Two Different Ways to Load Your Roaster with a Coffee conveyor.
Single Load Green Coffee Conveyors.
It is best to load a roast in a single load. That requires the vacuum chamber to be big enough to hold the roast. Single load systems are less expensive and easier to use. They use an on-off switch. They do not need a PLC control. You just turn them on and turn them off when the roast has loaded.
Multiple Loads Green Coffee Conveyors.
When you cannot load your roaster with a single load the loader will cycle until the roast is delivered. This requires a PLC control that can have different load times for each cycle. Timing has to be adjusted so that there is room under the loader for the material valve to move when loading the last load.
Mounting a Green Coffee Conveyor to the Top of the Roaster Hopper.
Hopper Lids for Roasters
Hopper lids cover the top of the roaster hopper and support the loader. They often use clamps to hold the lid down on the hopper. A lid requires a vent so the material switch can work and to provide an exit for the air displaced by coffee.
Hopper Extensions
Hopper extensions raise the vacuum loader above the hopper. It is either raised to provide room for the material valve to operate or provide additional capacity for coffee below it. It can be added at any time.
Pneumatic conveyors are an effective choice to load a roaster. They reduce labor, lifting injuries, dust propagation, and spilled beans. You can find quality pneumatic conveyors to load roasters at